State key laboratory of modern optical instruments Zhejiang University
College of Optical Science and Engineering Zhejiang University
主要从事光功能材料研究,作为项目负责人承担(包括已完成)国家自然科学基金项目、日本学术振兴会项目、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、广东省杰出青年基金和教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金。近年来共在包括Adv. Mater.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Adv. Funct. Mater.等刊物发表SCI论文100多篇,成果被Materials Today(今日材料)、ACerS(美国陶瓷协会)、Reuters(英国路透社)、OSA(美国光学协会)、Discovery(探索频道)、AAAS(美国科学促进会)等30多个世界知名科技媒体作为亮点报道,2次入选“中国光学重要成果”,多次获重大国际会议最优秀论文奖、墙报奖,曾获日本陶瓷协会仓田元治奖(Motoharu Kurata Award)、日本学术振兴会Postdoctoral Fellowship,受邀在国际/国内学术会议上作特邀报告14次、担任分会主席3次。
2006/03 – 2008/09,浙江大学,材料科学与工程学系,博士
2003/09 – 2006/03,浙江大学,材料科学与工程学系,提前攻博
1999/09 – 2003/07,郑州大学,材料科学与工程学院,学士
2013/06 – 至今,华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师
2011/06 – 2013/06,浙江大学,材料科学与工程学系,副教授、博士生导师
2009/06 – 2011/06,日本京都大学,无机材料研究所,JSPS研究员
2008/12 – 2009/06,日本北海道大学,光子学研究中心,博士研究员
2007/09 – 2008/09,香港理工大学,应用物理学系,助理研究员
1. 光功能材料与器件
2012年:获日本陶瓷协会仓田元治奖(Kurata Award,亚洲地区每年2-3名);
1. 国家自然科学基金项目;玻璃空间选择性分相控制和三维连通多孔结构构建及功能化;2015-2018;80万人民币;项目负责人
2. 广东省杰出青年基金项目;玻璃内部三维连通多孔微通道空间选择性构造及应用研究;2013-2017;100万人民币;项目负责人
3. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”;新材料-光功能材料;2013-2016;50万人民币;项目负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金项目;通过透明微晶玻璃微观结构调控实现多波段集成光源的应用基础研究;2012-2014;25万人民币;项目负责人
5. 日本板硝子株式会社研究基金;Tailoring the local structure of doped glass-ceramics for ultra-broadband near-infrared emission;2012-2013;0.6万美元;项目负责人
6. 教育部“留学回国人员科研启动基金”;具有多色可见发光的全固态立体显示用透明微晶玻璃材料;2013-2015;3万人民币;项目负责人
1. B. Zheng, Z. Wang*, Q. Guo and S. Zhou*, “Glass composite as robust UV absorber for biological protection”, Opt. Mater. Express 6(2) 531-539 (2016).
2. Q. Guo, X. Liu and S. Zhou*, “Suppression of lanthanide clustering in glass by network topological constraints”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 98(10) 2976-2979 (2015).
3. B. Zheng, M. Zhao, Q. Guo, Y. Yu, S. Lu, X. Jiang* and S. Zhou*, “A chip-based microcavity derived from multi-component tellurite glass”, J. Mater. Chem. C 3(20), 5141-5144 (2015).
4. B. Zheng, Q. Guo, D. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhu and S. Zhou*, “Energy-transfer modulation for enhanced photocatalytic activity of near-infrared upconversion photocatalyst”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 98(1), 136-140 (2015).
5. S. Zhou*, Q. Guo, H. Inoue, Q. Ye, A. Masuno, B. Zheng, Y. Yu and J. Qiu, “Topological engineering of glass for modulating chemical state of dopants”, Adv. Mater. 26(47), 7966-7972 (2014).
6. Q. Guo, B. Zheng, S. Zhou* B. Xu, Y. Qiu, Y. Yu and J. Qiu, “Origin of structural relaxation dependent spectroscopic features of bismuth-activated glasses”, Opt. Express 22(13), 15924-15931 (2014).
7. Z. Tu, Y. Teng, J. Zhou, S. Zhou* and J. Qiu*, “Micro-modification of luminescence property in Ag+-doped phosphate glass using femtosecond laser irradiation”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 383, 161-164 (2014).
8. Y. Li, S. Zhou*, G. Dong, M. Peng, L. Wondraczek and J. Qiu*, “Anti-Stokes fluorescent probe with incoherent excitation”, Sci. Rep. 4, 4059(1)-4059(6) (2014).
9. Y. Li, S. Zhou*, Y. Li, K. Sharafudeen, Z. Ma, G. Dong, M. Peng and J. Qiu*, “Long persistent and photo-stimulated luminescence in Cr3+-doped Zn-Ga-Sn-O phosphors for deep and reproducible tissue imaging”, J. Mater. Chem. C 2(15), 2657-2663 (2014).
10. S. Zhou, C. Li, G. Yang, G. Bi, B. Xu, Z. Hong, K. Miura, K. Hirao and J. Qiu*, “Self-limited nanocrystallization-mediated activation of semiconductor nanocrystal in an amorphous solid”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23(43), 5436-5443 (2013).
11. D. Tan, S. Zhou*, J. Qiu* and N. Khusro, “Preparation of functional nanomaterials with femtosecond laser ablation in solution”, J. Photochem. Photobio C 17, 50-68 (2013).
12. Q. Guo, B. Xu, D. Tan, J. Wang, S. Zheng, W. Jiang, J. Qiu and S. Zhou*, “Regulation of structure rigidity for improvement of the thermal stability of near-infrared luminescence in Bi-doped borate glasses”, Opt. Express 21(23), 27835-27840 (2013).
13. B. Xu, P. Chen, S. Zhou*, Z. Hong, J. Hao and J. Qiu*, “Enhanced broadband near-infrared luminescence in Bi-doped glasses by co-doping with Ag”, J. Appl. Phys. 113(18), 183506 (2013).
14. S. Zhou*, T. Matsuoka, Y. Shimotsuma*, M. Sakakura, M. Nishi, Z. Hong, J.
Qiu and K. Hirao, “Localized control of light-matter interactions by using
nanoscale asymmetric TiO
15. K. Zhang, S. Zhou*, Y. Zhuang, R. Yang and J. Qiu, “Bandwidth broadening of near-infrared emission through nanocrystallization in Bi/Ni co-doped glass”, Opt. Express 20(8), 8675-8680 (2012).
16. S. Zhou, J. Hao* and J. Qiu, “Ultra-broadband near-infrared luminescence of Ni2+: ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 nanocomposite glasses prepared by sol-gel method”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94(9), 2902-2905 (2011).
17. X. Wang, N. Wu, M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura*, S. Zhou*, J. Qiu and K. Hirao, “Space selective reduction of europium ions via SrF2 crystals induced by high repetition rate femtosecond laser”, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 119(1396), 939-941 (2011).
18. S. Zhou*, N. Jiang, K. Miura*, S. Tanabe, M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Nishi, J. Qiu and K. Hirao, “Simultaneous tailoring of the phase evolution and dopant distribution in glassy phase for controllable luminescence”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132(50), 17945-17952 (2010).
19. S. Zhou, N. Jiang, B. Wu, J. Hao* and J. Qiu*, “Ligand-driven wavelength tunable and ultra-broadband infrared luminescence in single ion doped transparent hybrid materials”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 19(13), 2081-2088 (2009).
20. S. Zhou, W. Lei, N. Jiang, J. Hao*, E. Wu, H. Zeng and J. Qiu*, “Space-selective control of luminescence inside the Bi-doped mesoporous silica glass by a femotosecond laser”, J. Mater. Chem. 19(26), 4603-4608 (2009).
21. S. Zhou, W. Lei, J. Chen, J. Hao, H. Zeng and J. Qiu*, “Laser-induced optical property changes inside Bi-doped glass”, IEEE. Photon. Technol. Lett. 21(6), 386-388 (2009).
22. S. Zhou, N. Jiang, B. Zhu, H. Yang, S. Ye, G. Lakshminarayana, J. Hao and J. Qiu*, “Multifunctional Bi-doped nanoporous silica glass: from blue-green, orange, red and white light sources to ultra broadband infrared amplifiers”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 18(9), 1407-1413 (2008).
23. S. Zhou, N. Jiang, H. Dong, H. Zeng, J. Hao and J. Qiu*, “Size-induced crystal field parameter change and tunable infrared luminescence in Ni2+-doped high-gallium nanocrystals embedded glass ceramics”, Nanotechnology 19(1), 015702 (2008).
24. S. Zhou, H. Dong, H. Zeng, J. Hao, J. Chen and J. Qiu*, “Infrared luminescence and amplification properties of Bi-doped GeO2-Ga2O3-Al2O3 glasses”, J. Appl. Phys. 103(10), 103532 (2008).
25. S. Zhou, G. Feng, B. Wu, N. Jiang, S. Xu and J. Qiu*, “Intense infrared luminescence in transparent glass-ceramics containing β-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals”, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 7335-7338 (2007).
26. S. Zhou, H. Dong, H. Zeng, G. Feng, H. Yang, B. Zhu and J. Qiu*, “Broadband optical amplification in Bi-doped germanium silicate glass”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 061919 (2007).
27. S. Zhou, H. Dong, G. Feng, B. Wu, H. Zeng and J. Qiu*, “Broadband optical amplification in silicate glass-ceramics containing β-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals”, Opt. Express 15, 5477- 5481 (2007).
28. S. Zhou, H. Dong, H. Zeng, B. Wu, B. Zhu, H. Yang, S. Xu, Z. Wang* and J. Qiu*, “Broadband near-infrared emission from transparent Ni2+-doped silicate glass-ceramics”, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 063106 (2007).
29. S. Zhou*, G. Feng, B. Wu, S. Xu and J. Qiu*, “Transparent Ni2+-doped lithium-alumino-silicate glass-ceramics for broadband near-infrared light source”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, 2472-2475 (2007).
30. S. Zhou, B. Zhu, G. Lin, H. Yang, S. Xu, Z. Wang and J. Qiu*, “Light emission of Cu+ doped porous silica glass for volumetric three dimensional solid state display”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, 7339-7342 (2007).
31. S. Zhou, G. Feng, J. Bao, H. Yang and J. Qiu*, “Broadband near-infrared emission from Bi-doped aluminosilicate glasses”, J. Mater. Res. 22, 1435-1438 (2007).
32. S. Zhou, G. Feng, S. Xu, B. Wu and J. Qiu*, “Broadband near-infrared emission from transparent Ni2+-doped sodium aluminosilicate glass ceramics”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 2996-2998 (2006).
33. S. Zhou, Z. Hong*, F. Zhao, X. Fan and M. Wang, “Characterization of optical response properties for a nanosized TiO2 with visible-light response”, J. Inorg. Mater. 21, 783-788 (2006).