State key laboratory of modern optical instruments Zhejiang University
College of Optical Science and Engineering Zhejiang University
2014年9月~至今 厦门大学 材料学院 助理教授
2011年4月~2014年3月 京都大学 人间环境学研究科 工学博士
2007年9月~2010年3月 浙江大学 材料系 工学硕士
2003年9月~2007年7月 中南大学 材料学院 学士
1. 长余辉发光材料、白光LED照明用荧光材料
2. 过渡金属离子/稀土离子在晶体中的配位环境与发光特性的关系
2014年01月,国家留学基金委 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金;
2009年12月,肖特(中国) 肖特奖学金;
2009年12月,浙江大学 一等奖学金;
2006年10月,中国科学院 李薰奖学金;
2006年10月,中南大学 特等奖学金;
2012年获得日本学术振兴会“科研奖励金资助” 1项;
1. Y. Zhuang, J. Ueda, and S. Tanabe,
"Multi-color persistent luminescence in transparent glass ceramics containing
spinel nano-crystals with Mn2+
ions," Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(19), 191904 (2014).
2. Y. Zhuang, Y. Katayama, J. Ueda, and S. Tanabe,
"A brief review on red to near-infrared persistent luminescence in
transition-metal-activated phosphors," Opt. Mater. 36(11), 1907-1912 (2014).
3. Y. Zhuang, J. Ueda, S. Tanabe, and P. Dorenbos,
"Band-gap variation and self-redox effect induced by
compositional deviation in ZnxGa2O3+x:Cr3+
persistent phosphors," J. Mater. Chem. C 2(28), 5502-5509 (2014).
4. Y. Zhuang, J. Ueda, and S. Tanabe, "Tunable trap depth
in Zn(Ga1-xAlx)2O4:Cr,Bi red
persistent phosphors: considerations of high-temperature persistent
luminescence and photostimulated persistent luminescence," J.
Mater. Chem. C 1(47), 7849-7855 (2013).
5. Y. Zhuang, S. Tanabe, and J. Qiu,
"Wavelength-tunability of broadband near-infrared luminescence in Cr4+-activated
transparent glass ceramics," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97(11), 3519-3523
6. Y. Zhuang and S. Tanabe, "Conversion of valence state
and coordination state of Fe in transparent glass-ceramics containing Li2ZnSiO4
nano-crystals," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 96(9), 2864-2869
7. Y. Zhuang,
J. Ueda, and S. Tanabe,
"Enhancement of red persistent luminescence in Cr3+-doped ZnGa2O4
phosphors by Bi2O3 codoping," Appl. Phys. Express 6(5),
052602 (2013).
8. Y. Zhuang, J. Ueda, and S. Tanabe, "Photochromism and
white long-lasting persistent luminescence in Bi3+-doped ZnGa2O4
ceramics," Opt. Mater. Express 2(10), 1378-1383 (2012).
9. Y. Zhuang and S. Tanabe, "Forward and back energy
transfer between Cu2+ and Yb3+ in Ca1-xCuSi4O10:
Ybx crystals," J. Appl. Phys. 112(9), 093521
10. Y. Zhuang, M. Guan, J. Xie, and J. Qiu, "Superbroadband
near-infrared emission from Cr-Ni co-doped transparent forsterite glass
ceramics, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 43(9), 095401 (2010).
11. Y. Zhuang, J. Zhou, J. Xie, Y. Teng, and J. Qiu,
"Temperature-dependent broadband near-infrared luminescence in silicate glass
ceramics containing Li2MgSiO4: Cr4+
nanocrystals," J. Mater. Res. 25(9), 1833-1837 (2010).
12. Y. Zhuang, J. Luo, Y. Teng, S. Ye, B. Zhu, and J. Qiu,
"Broadband infrared luminescence of Cr3+-doped LiInSiO4
phosphors," J. Mater. Res. 25(2), 224-228 (2010).
13. Y. Zhuang, Y. Teng, J. Luo, B. Zhu, Y. Chi, E Wu, H. Zeng,
and J. Qiu, "Broadband optical amplification in silicate glass ceramics
containing Li2ZnSiO4: Cr4+ nanocrystals," Appl.
Phys. Lett. 95(11), 111913 (2009).
14. Y. Zhuang, Y. Teng, J. Zhou, S. Ye, and J. Qiu,
"Broadband downconversion from oxygen deficient centers to Yb3+
in germanate glasses," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26(11), 2185-2188