

State key laboratory of modern optical instruments Zhejiang University



College of Optical Science and Engineering Zhejiang University









简介:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所研究员(教授)、博士生导师,德国“洪堡基金”获得者,中科院“百人计划”入选者。1997年、2000年于西北工业大学分别获学士、硕士学位,2003年于中国科学院获博士学位。曾在日本科学事业振兴机构(2004)、德国马普学会光学所(2005-2009)开展研究工作。长期从事激光与物质相互作用、激光微纳加工、光子学材料与器件等领域的研究工作。已在国内外学术刊物和重要国际学术会议上发表论文、报告150余篇次。在应用物理、光学以及纳米科学等领域的重要期刊上发表SCI论文70余篇。文章被SCI引用1170余次。在国内外会议上做邀请报告近20余次。编著一部英文书籍章节。近年申请中国发明专利17项,已授权3项。目前是包括光学光电子领域著名的Optics LettersOptics ExpressOptics Communications, Applied Physics A, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Crystal Growth & Design10余个国际SCI核心学术期刊以及国内多个核心期刊的专家审稿人。曾获得德国洪堡基金和马普基金的资助,并与浙江大学合作获得2009年度浙江省科学技术二等奖(第三完成人)。20099月入选中国科学院引进国外杰出人才“百人计划”并获得择优支持。20106月入选上海市“浦江人才计划”。作为负责人主持中国科学院百人计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、上海市浦江计划项目等近十项;作为研究骨干参与科技部973项目等十余项。近年来致力于开拓激光精密微细加工技术在战略性新兴产业应用方面的研究。







20043月—20044月:访问学者,日本科学事业振兴机构Photon Craft项目

















中科院“百人计划”入选者 (2010)

上海市“浦江人才计划”入选者 (2010)

浙江省科学技术奖二等奖 (2009)

德国马普基金 (2008.02 – 2009.08)

德国洪堡基金 (2006.09 – 2008.01)

德国马普基金 (2005.08 – 2006.08)

中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金 (2003.10-2005.03)

中国博士后科学基金一等资助金 (2004.01-2005.03)

西北工业大学材料科学与工程系三好研究生 (1997)

西北工业大学材料科学与工程系三好学生 (1995)



主持 (项目负责人)

1 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11374316):飞秒激光在玻璃内部制备量子点(2014.01-2017.12)80万元,项目负责人。

2 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61178024):超短脉冲激光微纳调控材料润湿性能(2012.01-2015.12)65万元,项目负责人。

3 中科院“百人计划”项目:光子调控制备新材料(2010-2013)200万元,项目负责人。

4 上海市“浦江计划”项目(10PJ1410600):具有特殊浸润性能材料的激光微纳制备 (2010.07-2012.06)20万元,项目负责人。

5 中科院上海光机所百人计划启动资金:光子调控制备新材料 (2009.09-2012.08) 70万元,项目负责人。

6 人力资源和社会保障部留学人员资助经费(2010-2011)4万元,项目负责人。

7 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(2011)5万元,项目负责人。

8 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室开放课题(2010.7-2012.6)6万元,项目负责人。

9 上海市科委光科技项目:飞秒激光显微研制生物相容性材料及其在组织工程中的应用(2004.10-2006.12) 20万元,项目负责人。

10      中国博士后科学基金一等资助金:超短脉冲激光诱导宽带光放大波导(2004.01-2005.03)3万元,项目负责人。

11      中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金:飞秒激光相干场制备光子学器件(2003.10-2005.03)2万元,项目负责人。

参与 (项目骨干)

1973项目:极端强场超快科学重要前沿与应用开拓 (2011.1-2015.8)2375万,项目骨干。



4.中日合作“光子技术”(Photon Craft Project)共同研究项目(2000.4-2005.3)1亿日元,项目骨干。



7.上海市科委纳米科技项目(0259nm023):激光诱导电化学组装纳米导电聚合物 (2003.1-2004.12)15万元,项目成员。



10.国家自然科学基金项目(60078017) 脉冲群开关预电离技术实现巨脉冲CO2激光输出的研究(2001.1-2003.12)19.5万元,项目成员



1. Z. Wang, C. W. Wang M. Wang, Q. Z. Zhao*, Manipulation of tribological properties of stainless steel by picoseond laser texturing and quenching, Tribol. Int. 99, 14-22 (2016).

2. Y. Li, J. Qian, F. Bai, Z. Wang, C. Wang, W. Fan, Y. Zhang, Q. Z. Zhao*, Azimuthal angle- and scanning pitch-dependent colorization of metals by ultrashort laser pulses, Appl. Phys. A 122, 282 (2016).

3. Z. Wang, Y. B. Li, F. Bai, C. W. Wang, Q. Z. Zhao*, Angle-dependent lubricated tribological properties of stainless steel by femtosecond laser surface texturing, Opt. Laser Techn. 81, 60-66 (2016).

4. J. Song, Y. Dai, W. Tao, M. Gong, G. Ma, Q. Z. Zhao, J. Qiu, Surface birefringence of self-assembly periodic nanostructures induced on 6H-SiC surface by femtosecond laser, Appl. Surf. Sci. 363, 664-669 (2016).

5. W. Fan, J. Qian, F. Bai, Y. Li, C. Wang, Q. Z. Zhao*, A facile method to fabricate superamphiphobic polytetrafluoroethylene surface by femtosecond laser pulses, Chem. Phys. Lett. 644, 261-266 (2016).

6. J. Song , W. Tao, H. Song, M. Gong, G. Ma, Y. Dai, Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, Laser-induced periodic surface structures on 6H-SiC single crystals using temporally delayed femtosecond laser double-pulse trains, Appl. Phys. A 122, 341(2016).

7. Z. Wang, Q. Z. Zhao*, C. Wang, Reduction of friction of metals using laser-induced periodic surface nanostructures, Micromachines 6 (11), 1606-1616 (2015).

8. H. Pan, F. Luo, G. Lin, C. Wang, M. Dong, Y. Liao, Q. Z. Zhao*, Superhydrophobic porous silicon surface by ultrashort pulsed-laser ablation and chemical etching, Chem. Phys. Lett. 637, 159-163 (2015).

9. J. Madéo, A. Margiolakis, Z.Y. Zhao, P. J. Hale, M. K. L. Man, Q. Z. Zhao, W. Peng, W. Z. Shi, K. M. Dani, Ultrafast properties of femtosecond-laser-ablated GaAs and its application to terahertz optoelectronics, Opt. Lett. 40, 3388-3391 (2015).

10.  Z. Bao, C. Wang, Y. Zhang, Q. Z. Zhao*, Modification of wettability of stainless steel by picosecond laser surface microstructuring, Photon. Res. 3, 180-183 (2015).

11.  H. Pan, F. Luo, G. Lin, Q. Z. Zhao*, Anisotropic dewetting polydimethylsiloxane surface fabricated using ultrashort laser pulses, Chin. Opt. Lett. 13, 031404 (2015).

12.  Z. Wang, Q. Z. Zhao*, C. Wang, Y. Zhang, Modulation of dry tribological property of stainless steel by femtosecond laser surface texturing, Appl. Phys. A, 119, 1155-1163 (2015).

13.  L. Li, P. Wang, Y. Hu, G. Lin, Y. Wu, W. Huang, Q. Z. Zhao, Novel carbazole derivatives with quinoline ring: Synthesis, electronic transition, and two-photon absorption three-dimensional optical data storageSpectrochim. Acta A 139(15), 243-252 (2015).

14. Y. Zhang, P. Li, C. Wang, Z. Bao, Q. Z. Zhao*, Two-photon-excited upconversion luminescence of Mn2+-doped germanate glass by infrared femtosecond laser irradiation, Opt. Mater. 36, 1890-1893 (2014).

15.  K. Wang, Y. Feng, G. Wang, S. Zhang, C. Chang, J. Zhan, C. Wang, Q. Z. Zhao, J. N. Coleman, L. Zhang, W. J. Blau, J. Wang, Broadband ultrafast nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction of layered molybdenum dichalcogenide semiconductors, Nano Scale 6,10530-10535 (2014).

16.  Z. Y. Zhao, Z. Q. Song, W. Z. Shi, Q. Z. Zhao*, Photocurrent enhancement in semi-insulating gallium arsenide by femtosecond laser pulses surface microstructuring, Opt. Express 22, 11654-11659 (2014).

17.  J. Song, J. Y. Ye, M. D. Qian, F. F. Luo, X. Li, H. D. Bian, Y. Dai, G. H. Ma, Q. X. Chen, Y. Jiang, Q. Z. Zhao, J. R. Qiu, Self-organized voids revisited: experimental verification of the formation mechanism, Chinese Phys. B 23, 077901 (2014).

18.  K. Wang, J. Wang, J. Fan, M. Lotya, A. O'Neill, D. Fox, Y. Feng, X. Zhang, B. Jiang, Q. Z. Zhao, H. Zhang, J. N. Coleman, L. Zhang, W. J. Blau, Ultrafast saturable absorption of two-dimensional MoS2 nanosheets, ACS Nano 7, 9260-9267 (2013).

19.  M. M. Dong, C. W. Wang, Z. X. Wu, Y. Zhang, H. H. Pan, Q. Z. Zhao*, Waveguides fabricated by femtosecond laser exploiting both depressed cladding and stress-induced guiding core, Opt. Express, 21, 15522-15529 (2013).

20.  J. Song, J. Y. Ye, M. D. Qian, X. Lin, H. D. Bian, Y. Dai, G. H. Ma, Q. X. Chen, Q. Z. Zhao, Y. Jiang, J. R. Qiu, Polarization dependence of the self-organized microgratings induced in SrTiO3 crystal by a single femtosecond laser beam, Opt. Express,  21, 18461-18468 (2013).

21.  G. Lin, H. H. Pan, F. F. Luo, Q. X. Chen, D. P. Chen, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Glass-ceramics with embedded Gallium/Aluminum nanoalloys formed by heat treatment and femtosecond laser irradiation,  J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95, 776-781 (2012).

22.  Z. F. Bi, L. Wang, X. H. Liu, S. M. Zhang, M. M. Dong, Q. Z. Zhao, X. L. Wu, K. M. Wang, Optical waveguides in TiO2 formed by He ion implantation, Opt. Express 20, 6712-6719 (2012).

23.  X. D. Guo, H. Y. Pi, Q. Z. Zhao, R. X. Li, Controllable growth of flowerlike ZnO nanostructures by combining laser direct writing and hydrothermal synthesis, Mater. Lett. 66, 377-381 (2012).

24.  G. Lin, F. F. Luo, H. H. Pan, M. M. Smedskjaer, Y. Teng, D. P. Chen, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Universal preparation of novel metal and semiconductor nanoparticle-glass composites with excellent nonlinear optical properties,  J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 2459824604 (2011).

25.  J. Song, F. F. Luo, X. Hu, Q. Z. Zhao, J. R. Qiu, Z. Z. Xu, Mechanism of femtosecond laser inducing inverted microstructures by employing different types of objective lens, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 495402 (2011).

26.  G. Lin, H. H. Pan, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Nonlinear optical properties of lead nanocrystals embedding glass induced by thermal treatment and femtosecond laser irradiation, Chem. Phys. Lett. 516,186-191 (2011).

27.  G. Lin, F. F. Luo, F. He, Q. X. Chen, D. P. Chen, Y. Cheng, L. Zhang, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Different refractive index change behavior in borosilicate glasses induced by 1 kHz and 250 kHz femtosecond lasers, Opt. Mater. Express 1, 724-731 (2011).

28.  F. F. Luo, G. Lin, H. Y. Sun, G. Zhang, L. Liu, D. P. Chen, Q. X. Chen, Q. Z. Zhao*, J. R. Qiu*, Z. Z. Xu, Generation of bubbles in glass by a femtosecond laser, Opt. Commun. 284, 4592-4595 (2011).

29.  G. Lin, H. H. Pan, Y. Dai, F. He, D. P. Chen, Y. Cheng, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Formation of Si nanocrystals in glass by femtosecond laser irradiation, Mater. Lett. 65, 3544-3547 (2011).

30.  F. F. Luo, J. Song, X.Hu, H. Y. Sun, G. Lin, H. H. Pan, Y. Cheng, L. Liu, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Z. Z. Xu*, Femtosecond laser-induced inverted microstructures inside glasses by tuning refractive index of objective’s immersion liquid, Opt. Lett. 36, 2125-2127 (2011).

31.  G. Lin, F. F. Luo, H. H. Pan, Q. X. Chen, D. P. Chen, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Three primary colors emitting from Er3+–Eu3+ co-doped oxygen-deficient glasses, J. Alloy. Compd. 509, 6462-6466 (2011).

32.  G. P. Dong, L. L. Zhang, M. Y. Peng, J. R. Qiu, G. Lin, F. F. Luo, B. Qian, Q. Z. Zhao, Microstructural modification of chalcogenide glasses by femtosecond laser, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357, 2392-2395(2011).

33.  F. F. Luo, G. Lin, H. H. Pan, Q. X. Chen, J. R. Qiu, Q. Z. Zhao*, Z. Z. Xu,  Elemental redistribution in glass induced by a 250-kHz femtosecond laser, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357, 2384–2386(2011).

34.  G. Lin, D. Z. Tan, F. F. Luo, D. P. Chen, Q. Z. Zhao, J. R. Qiu*, Linear and nonlinear optical properties of glasses doped with Bi nanoparticles, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357, 2312–2315(2011).

35.  D. Z. Tan, G. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. Teng, Y. X. Zhuang, B. Zhu, Q. Z. Zhao and J. R. Qiu*, Synthesis of nanocrystalline cubic zirconia using femtosecond laser ablation, J Nanopart. Res. 13, 1183-1190 (2011).

36.  G. Lin, F. F. Luo, F. He, Y. Teng, W. J. Tan, J. H. Si, D. P. Chen, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Z. Z. Xu*, Space-selective precipitation of Ge crystalline patterns in glasses by femtosecond laser irradiation, Opt. Lett. 36, 262-264 (2011). Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science -- Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2011

37.  F. F. Luo, B. Qian, G. Lin, J. Xu, Y. Liao, J. Song, H. Y. Sun, B. Zhu, J. R. Qiu, Q. Z. Zhao*, Z. Z. Xu, Redistribution of elements in glass induced by a high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser, Opt. Express, 18, 6262-6269 (2010).

38.  X. D. Guo, Q. Z. Zhao*, R. X Li*, H. H. Pan, X. Y. Guo, A. Y. Yin, W. L. Dai, Synthesis of ZnO nanoflowers and their wettabilities and photocatalytic properties, Opt. Express 18, 18401-18406 (2010).

39.  G. Lin, G. P. Dong, D. Z. Tan, X. F. Liu, Q. Zhang, D. P. Chen, J. R. Qiu*, Q. Z. Zhao*, Z. Z. Xu*, Long lasting phosphorescence in oxygen-deficient zinc-boron-germanosilicate glass-ceramics, J. Alloy. Compd. 504, 177-180 (2010).

40.  G. Lin, D. Z. Tan, F. F. Luo, D. P. Chen, Q. Z. Zhao*, J. R. Qiu*, Z. Z. Xu*, Fabrication and photocatalytic property of α-Bi2O3 nanoparticles by femtosecond laser ablation in liquid, J. Alloy. Compd. 504, L43-L46 (2010).

41.  Q. Z. Zhao*, F. Ciobanu, and L. J. Wang, Self-organized regular arrays of carbon nanocones induced by ultrashort laser pulses and their field emission properties, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 083103 (2009). Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science -- Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2009

42.  M. Y. Peng, Q. Z. Zhao, J. R. Qiu, and L. Wondraczek, Generation of emission centers for broadband NIR luminescence in bismuthate glass by femtosecond laser irradiation, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 92, 542 (2009).

43.  S. Preu, S. Malzer, G. H. Döhler, Q. Z. Zhao, M. Hanson, J. D. Zimmerman, A. C. Gossard, and L. J. Wang, Interference between two coherently driven monochromatic terahertz sources, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 221107 (2008).

44.  L. Y. Yang, N. Da, D. P. Chen, Q. Z. Zhao, X. W. Jiang, C. S. Zhu, J. R. Qiu, Valence state change and refractive index change induced by femtosecond laser irradiation in Sm3+ doped fluoroaluminate glass, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354, 1352-1355 (2008).

45.  Q. Z. Zhao*, F. Ciobanu, S. Malzer, and L. J. Wang, Enhancement of optical absorption and photocurrent of 6H-SiC by laser surface nanostructuring, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 121107 (2007). Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science -- Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2007

46.  Q. Z. Zhao*, S. Malzer, and L. J. Wang, Formation of subwavelength periodic structures on tungsten induced by ultrashort laser pulses, Opt. Lett. 32, 1932-1934 (2007).

47.  Q. Z. Zhao*, S. Malzer, and L. J. Wang, Self-organized tungsten nanospikes grown on subwavelength ripples induced by femtosecond laser pulses, Opt. Express 15, 15741-15746 (2007). Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science -- Volume 7, Issue 3 October 2007

48.  C. J. Zhao, Q. T. Zhao, Q. Z. Zhao, J. R. Qiu, C. S. Zhu, S. W. Guo, Preparation and optical properties of Ag/PPy composite colloids, J. Photoch. Photobio. A 187, 146-151 (2007).

49.  X. Hu, Q. Z. Zhao, X. W. Jiang, C. S. Zhu, J. R. Qiu, Space-selective co-precipitation of silver and gold nanoparticles in femtosecond laser pulses irradiated Ag+, Au3+ co-doped silicate glass, Solid State Commun. 138, 43-46 (2006).

50.  C. J. Zhao, S. L. Qu, Q. Z. Zhao, J. R. Qiu, C. S. Zhu, Space-selective precipitation of Au nanoparticles inside silica gel, J. Sol-Gel. Sci. Techn. 37, 5-8 2006



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    4.赵全忠,曲士良,赵崇军,姜雄伟,邱建荣,朱从善,飞秒激光在金属薄膜上制备周期性微结构的方法,发明专利,专利申请号: 03116837.x,公开号:CN1448755



    7.赵崇军,赵全忠,曲士良,周秦岭,杨旅云,陈庆希,邱建荣,朱从善,利用普通高压锅制备金溶胶和铂溶胶的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 03141896.1. ( 已授权)

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