State key laboratory of modern optical instruments Zhejiang University
College of Optical Science and Engineering Zhejiang University
1. H. He, Q. Liu,
D. Yang, Q. Pan, J. Qiu, G. Dong, "Controllable Synthesis of Monodisperse
Er3+-Doped Lanthanide Oxyfluorides Nanocrystals with Intense
Mid-Infrared Emission", Scientific Reports,
2. C. Liao, Z. Ma,
X. Chen, X. He, J. Qiu, "Controlled synthesis of bismuth oxyiodide toward
optimization of photocatalytic performance", Applied Surface Science,
3. Q. Pan, D. Yang,
S. Kang, J. Qiu, G. Dong, "Regulating Mid-infrared to Visible
Fluorescence in Monodispersed Er3+-doped La2O2S (La2O2SO4) Nanocrystals by
Phase Modulation", Scientific Reports,
4. W. Peng, Z.
Fang, Z. Ma, J. Qiu, "Enhanced upconversion emission in
crystallization-controllable glass-ceramic fiber containing Yb3+-Er3+ codoped
CaF2 nanocrystals", Nanotechnology,
5. R. Wei, X. Tian,
Z. Hu, H. Zhang, T. Qiao, X. He, Q. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Qiu, "Vertically
standing layered MoS2 nanosheets on TiO2 nanofibers for enhanced
nonlinear optical property", Optics Express,
6. R. Wei, X. Tian,
H. Zhang, Z. Hu, X. He, Z. Chen, Q. Chen, J. Qiu, "Facile synthesis of
two-dimensional WS2 with reverse saturable absorption and nonlinear
refraction properties in the PMMA matrix", Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
7. Q. Xiao, Y.
Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, G. Dong, J. Han, J. Qiu, "Dynamically
tuning the optical properties of Europium-doped sodium niobate nano-crystals
through magnetic field", Materials Research Express,
8. Z. Xu, Q. Guo,
C. Liu, Z. Ma, X. Liu, J. Qiu, "Linear and nonlinear
optical characteristics of Te nanoparticles-doped germanate glasses", Applied
Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 122(2016).
9. H. Zhang, T.
Jia, X. Shang, S. Zhang, Z. Sun, J. Qiu, "Mechanisms of the blue
emission of NaYF4:Tm3+ nanoparticles excited by an 800 nm continuous wave
laser", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(2016)
10. J. Zhou, J. Qiu,
"Upconversion Spectroscopic Investigation of Single Nanoparticles", Journal
of Inorganic Materials, 31(2016)
11. X. Du, M.
Sakakura, T. Kurita, H. Zhang, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, K. Miura, J.
Qiu, "Square-shape distribution of ZnO crystals in glass by using
a spatial light modulator", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,
12. Q. Guo, Y. Yao,
Z.-C. Luo, Z. Qin, G. Xie, M. Liu, J. Kang, S. Zhang, G. Bi, X. Liu, J.
Qiu, "Universal Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Optical Modulation
for Ultrafast Pulse Generation Enabled by Colloidal Plasmonic Semiconductor
Nanocrystals", Acs Nano, 10(2016)
13. Q. Li, M. Xing,
Z. Chen, X. Wang, C. Zhao, J. Qiu, J. Yu, J. Chang,
"Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped bioactive glasses with up-conversion luminescence
prepared by containerless processing", Ceramics International,
14. J. Qiu,
"Controlling the Metastable States of Glasses by External Fields", International
Journal of Applied Glass Science, 7(2016)
15. R. Wei, H.
Zhang, Z. Hu, T. Qiao, X. He, Q. Guo, X. Tian, Z. Chen, J. Qiu,
"Ultra-broadband nonlinear saturable absorption of high-yield MoS2
nanosheets", Nanotechnology, 27(2016).
16. Y. Wu, Y. Li, X.
Qin, J.
Qiu, "A Multifunctional Biomaterial with NIR Long Persistent
Phosphorescence, Photothermal Response and Magnetism", Chemistry-an
Asian Journal, 11(2016)
17. Q. Xiao, Y.
Zhang, H. Zhang, G. Dong, J. Han, J. Qiu, "Dynamically Tuning the
Up-conversion Luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+ Co-doped Sodium
Niobate Nano-crystals through Magnetic Field", Scientific Reports,
18. Y. Yu, Z. Fang,
C. Ma, H. Inoue, G. Yang, S. Zheng, D. Chen, Z. Yang, A. Masuno, J. Orava, S.
Zhou, J. Qiu, "Mesoscale engineering of photonic glass for
tunable luminescence", Npg Asia Materials,
19. F. Zhang, M.
Gecevicius, Q. Chen, H. Zhang, Y. Dai, J. Qiu, "Evolution of
polarization dependent microstructures induced by high repetition rate
femtosecond laser irradiation in glass", Optics Express,
20. J. Zhou, F. Gu,
X. Liu, J. Qiu, "Enhanced Multiphoton Upconversion in Single
Nanowires by Waveguiding Excitation", Advanced Optical Materials,
21. Z. Chen, H. Jia,
K. Sharafudeen, W. Dai, Y. Liu, G. Dong, J. Qiu, "Up-conversion
luminescence from single vanadate through blackbody radiation harvesting
broadband near-infrared photons for photovoltaic cells", Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, 663(2016)
22. X. He, H. Zhang,
R. Wei, Z. Ma, J. Qiu, M. Zhang, Q. Zeng, A. l. Liu,R. He, "Nonlinear
saturable absorption of nanoscaled Bi2Te3/PMMA composite film", Physica
E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 81(2016)
23. X. Qin, Y. Li,
Y. Li, Y. Wu, R. Chen, K. Sharafudeen, Z. Ma, S. Liu, D. Wu, J.
Qiu, "Inducing NIR long persistent phosphorescence in Cr-doped
perovskite titanate via redox", Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
24. J. Song, W. Tao,
M. Gong, J. Ye, Y. Dai, G. Ma, J. Qiu, "The three-level
ripples induced by femtosecond laser on a 6H-SiC single crystal and the
formation mechanism", Applied Physics a-Materials Science &
Processing, 122(2016).
25. J. Song, W. Tao,
H. Song, M. Gong, G. Ma, Y. Dai, Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, "Laser-induced periodic
surface structures on 6H-SiC single crystals using temporally delayed
femtosecond laser double-pulse trains", Applied Physics a-Materials
Science & Processing, 122(2016).
26. L. Wang, L. Tan,
Y. Yue, M. Peng, J. Qiu, "Efficient Enhancement of Bismuth NIR
Luminescence by Aluminum and Its Mechanism in Bismuth-Doped Germanate Laser
Glass", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99(2016)
27. D. Yang, D.
Chen, H. He, Q. Pan, Q. Xiao, J. Qiu, G. Dong, "Controllable
Phase Transformation and Mid-infrared Emission from Er3+-Doped
Hexagonal-/Cubic-NaYF4 Nanocrystals", Scientific Reports,
28. Y. Yao, C. Xu,
Y. Zheng, C. Yang, P. Liu, J. Ding, T. Jia, J. Qiu, S. Zhang, Z. Sun,
"Improving upconversion luminescence efficiency in Er3+-doped
NaYF4 nanocrystals by two-color laser field", Journal of Materials Science,
29. Y. Yao, C. Xu,
Y. Zheng, C. Yang, P. Liu, T. Jia, J. Qiu, Z. Sun, S. Zhang,
"Femtosecond Laser-Induced Upconversion Luminescence in Rare-Earth Ions by
Nonresonant Multiphoton Absorption", Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
30. Y. Yu, Y. Chen,
J. Chen, S. Lv, X. Feng, Y. Qi, J. Qiu, S. Zhou, "Fabrication
of microchannels by space-selective control of phase separation in glass",
Letters, 41(2016)
31. Z. Fang, S.
Zheng, W. Peng, H. Zhang, Z. Ma, G. Dong, S. Zhou, D. Chen, J.
Qiu, "Bismuth-Doped Multicomponent Optical Fiber Fabricated by
Melt-in-Tube Method", Journal of the American Ceramic Society,
32. Q. Guo, M. Ji,
Y. Yao, M. Liu, Z.-C. Luo, S. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Qiu, "Cu-Sn-S
plasmonic semiconductor nanocrystals for ultrafast photonics", Nanoscale,
33. Z. Hu, Z. Ma, M.
Peng, X. He, H. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Qiu, "Composite film
polarizer based on the oriented assembly of electrospun nanofibers", Nanotechnology,
34. X. Qin, Y. Li,
R. Zhang, J. Ren, M. Gecevicius, Y. Wu, K. Sharafudeen, G. Dong, S. Zhou, Z.
Ma, J.
Qiu, "Hybrid coordination-network-engineering for bridging
cascaded channels to activate long persistent phosphorescence in the second
biological window", Scientific Reports,
35. J. Song, Y. Dai,
W. Tao, M. Gong, G. Ma, Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, "Surface birefringence
of self-assembly periodic nanostructures induced on 6H-SiC surface by
femtosecond laser", Applied Surface Science,
36. D. Tan, K. N.
Sharafudeen, Y. Yue, J. Qiu, "Femtosecond laser
induced phenomena in transparent solid materials: Fundamentals and
applications", Progress in Materials Science, 76(2016)
37. J. Wang, Q. Guo,
X. Liu, Y. Dai, Z. Wang, J. Qiu, "Bubble Generation in
Germanate Glass Induced by Femtosecond Laser", Chinese Physics Letters,
38. H. Wu, F. Zeng,
H. Zhang, J. Xu, J. Qiu, S. Wu, "A Nanosystem Capable of Releasing a
Photosensitizer Bioprecursor under Two-Photon Irradiation for Photodynamic
Therapy", Advanced Science, 3(2016).
39. H. Zhang, Z. Hu,
Z. Ma, M. Gecevicius, G. Dong, S. Zhou, J. Qiu, "Anisotropically
Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ensembles of Gold Nanorods Electrospun
in Polymer Nanofiber Film", Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,
40. S. Zhou, B.
Zheng, Y. Shimotsuma, Y. Lu, Q. Guo, M. Nishi, M. Shimizu, K. Miura, K. Hirao, J.
Qiu, "Heterogeneous-surface-mediated crystallization
control", Npg Asia Materials, 8(2016).
41. W. Chen, C. Shi,
T. Tao, M. Ji, S. Zheng, X. Sang, X. Liu, J. Qiu, "Optical temperature
sensing with minimized heating effect using core-shell upconversion
nanoparticles", Rsc Advances, 6(2016)
42. Q. Guo, Y.
Zhang, J. Qiu, G. Dong, "Engineering the electronic structure and
optical properties of g-C3N4 by non-metal ion doping", Journal
of Materials Chemistry C, 4(2016)
43. Z. Hu, Z. Ma, X.
Pan, J.
Qiu, "Template-Assisting Preparation of Luminescent YAG:Nd3+
Nanoparticles and Hollow Nano-Beads", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
44. Y. Li, M.
Gecevicius, J. Qiu, "Long persistent phosphors-from fundamentals to
applications", Chemical Society Reviews, 45(2016)
45. Z. Ma, Z. Hu, X.
He, Z. Fang, Y. Li, J. Qiu, "Nano-Bi2WO6 functionalized flexible SiO2 fibrous film
for water purification", Applied Surface Science,
46. Z. Ma, Z. Hu, H.
Zhang, M. Peng, X. He, Y. Li, Z. Yang, J. Qiu, "Flexible and
transparent optically anisotropic films based on oriented assembly of
nanofibers", Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(2016)
48. R. Wei, H.
Zhang, X. Tian, T. Qiao, Z. Hu, Z. Chen, X. He, Y. Yu, J. Qiu, "MoS2
nanoflowers as high performance saturable absorbers for an all-fiber passively
Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser", Nanoscale, 8(2016)
49. Y. Yao, C. Xu,
Y. Zheng, C. Yang, P. Liu, J. Ding, T. Jia, J. Qiu, S. Zhang, Z. Sun,
"Enhancing up-conversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped
glass by two-color laser field excitation", Rsc Advances,