State key laboratory of modern optical instruments Zhejiang University
College of Optical Science and Engineering Zhejiang University
1. J. Guo, J. Si, G. Qian, J. Qiu, M. Wang, K. Hirao, “Photoinduced birefringence and optical image storage in bulk azodye-doped hybrid inorganic-organic materials by a femtosecond laser”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 378(2003)553.
2. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, L. Yang, X. Jiang, C. Zhao, C. Zhu. “Fabrication of Microstructures in LiF Crystals by a Femtosecond Laser”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 20(2003) 1858.
3. C. Zhao, S. Qu, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Photoinduced formation of colloidal Au by a near-IR femtosecond laser”, J. Mater. Res., 18(2003)1710.
4. S. Qu, C. Zhao, X. Jiang, G. fang, Y. Gao, H. Zeng, Y. Song, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, K. Hirao. “Optical nonlinearities of space selectively precipitated Au nanoparticles inside glasses”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 368(2003)352.
5. J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Si, C. Li, Q. Su, K. Hirao, “Photostimulated long-lasting phosphorescence in rare-earth-doped glasses”, Chem. Lett., 32(2003)750.
6. Y. Shimotsuma, P. Kazansky, J. Qiu, K. Hirao, “Self-organized nanogratings in glass irradiated by Ultrashort light pulses”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91(2003)247405.
7. T. Peng, A. Hasegawa, J. Qiu, K. Hirao, “Fabrication of titania tubules with high surface area and well-developed mesostructura walls by surfactant-mediated templating method”, Chem. Mater., 15(2003)2011.
8. N. Jiang, G. Hembree, J. Spence, J. Qiu, F. Abajo, J. Silcox, “Nanoring formation by direct-write inorganic electron-beam lithography”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 83(2003)551.
9. N. Jiang, J. Qiu, A. Ellison, J. Spence, “Fundamentals of high-energy electron-irradiation-induced modifications of silicate glasses”, Phys. Rev. B, 68(2003)64207.
10. G. Qian, J. Guo, M. Wang, J. Si, J. Qiu, K. Hirao, “Holographic volume gratings in bulk P-orange doped hybrid inorganic-organic materials by the coherent field of a femtosecond laser”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 83 (2003)2327.
11. B. Yu, B. Chen, X. Yang, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, K. Hirao, “Study of crystal formation in borate, niobate, and titanate glasses irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 21(2004)83.
12. J. Si, J. Qiu, J. Zhai, Y. Shen, Z. Meng, K. Hirao, “Phase-matched second harmonic generation in bulk azodye-doped polymers by all-optical poling”, J. Appl. Phys., 95(2004)3837.
13. J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, H. Inouye, J. Si, K. Hirao, “Optical properties of structure-modified Au-ion-doped glasses”, Opt. Lett., 29(2004)370.
14. S. Qu, H. Zeng, C. Zhao, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “One-off holographic writing of double-microgratings in Ag2O-doped glass by a single femtosecond laser pulse”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 384(2004)382.
15. J. Si, Z. Meng, S. Kanehira, J. Qiu, B. Hua, and K. Hirao, “Multiphoton-induced periodic microstructures inside bulk azodye-doped polymers by multibeam laser interference”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 399(2004)276.
16. H. Zeng, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, F. Gan, “Influence of femtosecond laser irradiation conditions on space-selective precipitation of silver nanoparticles in silicate glass”, J. Phys. Condens. Matt., 16(2004)2901.
17. S. Qu, J. Qiu, C. Zhao, X. Jiang, H. Zeng, C. Zhu, K. Hirao, “Metal nanoparticle precipitation in periodic arrays in Au2O3-doped glasses by two interfered femtosecond laser pulses”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84(2004)2046.
18. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhao, C. Zhu, “Fabrication of internal diffraction gratings in calcium fluoride crystals by a focused femtosecond laser,” Opt. Express, 12(2004)742.
19. J. Qiu, “Femtosecond laser-induced microstructures in glasses and applications in micro-optics”, The Chemical Records, 4(2004)50.
20. J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, M. Shirai, J. Si, N. Jiang, K. Hirao, “Manipulation of gold nanoparticles inside transparent materials”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 43(2004)2234.
21. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhao, C. Zhu, “Controllable precipitation and dissolution of silver nanoparticles in ultrafast laser pulses irradiated Ag+-doped phosphate glass” , Opt. Express, 12(2004) 4035.
22. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhao, C. Zhu, “Mechanisms of the refractive index change in fs laser irradiated Au3+-doped silicate glasses” , J. Appl. Phys., 96(2004) 7122.
23. S. Qu, C. J. Zhao, Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, K. Hirao, “One-off writing of multimicrogratings on glass by two interfering fs laser pulses” , Opt. Lett., 29 (2004) 2058.
24. N. Jiang, J. Qiu, J. Silcox, “Effects of high-energy electron irradiation on heavy-metal fluoride glass”, J. Appl. Phys., 96(2004) 6230.
25. X. Jiang, J. Qiu, H. Zeng, C. Zhu, K. Hirao, “Precipitation and dissolution of gold nanoparticles in glasses ”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 391(2004)91.
26. M. Peng, J. Qiu, D. Chen, X. Meng, L. Yang, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, “Bismuth and aluminum-codoped germanium oxide glasses for super-broadband optical amplification”, Opt. Lett., 29(2004)1998.
27. Y. Himei, J. Qiu, S. Nakajima, A. Sakamoto, K. Hirao, “Controllable photoinduced optical attenuation in a single-mode optical fiber by irradiation of a femtosecond pulse laser “, Opt. Lett., 29(2004)2728.
28. F. Ren, R. Li, C. Cheng, H. Wang, J. Qiu, J. Si, K. Hirao,” Giant enhancement of second harmonic generation in a finite photonic crystal with a single defect and dual-localized modes”, Phys. Rev. B, 70(2004)245109.
29. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, Q. Zhou, C. Zhu, “Temperature dependence of fs laser induced refractive index change in Nd3+-doped phosphate glass” , Opt. Mat., 27(2005)1159.
30. M. Peng, X. Meng, J. Qiu, Q. Zhao, C. Zhu, “GeO2: Bi, M (M = Ga, B) glasses with super-wide infrared luminescence” , Chem. Phys. Lett., 403(2005) 410.
31. X. Meng, J. Qiu, M. Peng, D. Chen, Q. Zhao, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, “Infrared broadband emission of bismuth-doped barium-aluminum-borate glasses”, Opt. Express, 13(2005)1635.
32. X. Meng, J. Qiu, M. Peng, D. Chen, Q. Zhao, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, “Near infrared broadband emission of bismuth-doped aluminophosphate glass”, Opt. Express, 13(2005)1628.
33. N. Jiang, J. Qiu, J. Spence, “Precipitation of Ge nanoparticles from GeO2 glasses in transmission electron microscope”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86(2005)143112.
34. J. Xia, D. Chen, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Rare-earth-doped silica microchip laser fabricated by sintering nanoporous glass”, Opt. Lett., 30(2005)47.
35. L. Yang , D. Chen, J. Xia, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Nd3+ doped silicate glass photonic crystal fibres”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 22 (2005)388.
36. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, C. Zhao, C. Zhu, “Formation of array microstructures on silicon by multibeam interfered ferntosecond laser pulses ”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 241(2005)416.
37. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, “Direct writing computer-generated holograms on metal film by an infrared femtosecond laser , Opt. Express, 13(2005)2089.
38. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, “Temperature dependence of femtosecond laser induced refractive index change in Nd3+-doped phosphate glass ”, Opt. Mater., 27 (2005)1159.
39. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, C. Zhao, C. Zhu, “Optical transfer of periodic microstructures by interfering femtosecond laser beams”, Opt. Express, 13(2005)3104.
40. Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, J. Qiu, K. Miura, P. Kazansky, “Nano-modification inside transparent materials by femtosecond laser single beam”, Mod. Phys. Lett., B19 (2005)225.
41. B. Hua, J. Qiu, Y. Shimotsuma et al., “Photoreduction of Ag+ in aluminoborate glasses induced by irradiation of a femtosecond laser”, J. Mater. Res., 20 (2005)644.
42. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, C. Zhao et al., “Formation of arrayed holes on metal foil and metal film by multibeam interfering femtosecond laser beams”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 14 (2005)1181.
43. H. Zeng , Y. Yang , X. Jiang , C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Preparation and optical properties of silicate glasses containing Pd nanoparticles”, J. Cryst. Growth, 280(2005)516.
44. K. Hirao, Y. Shimotsuma, J. Qiu, K. Miura, “Femtosecond laser induced phenomena in various glasses and their applications”, Glass Tech., 46 (2005)207.
45. M. Peng , X. Meng , D. Chen, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Comment on "Enhanced room-temperature emission in Cr4+ ions containing alumino-silicate glasses" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4035 (2003)] , Appl. Phys. Lett., 87 (2005)066103.
46. S. Kanehira, J. Si, J. Qiu, K. Hirao, “Periodic nanovoid structures via femtosecond laser irradiation”, Nano Lett., 5 (2005)1591.
47. M. Peng, J. Qiu, D. Chen, C. Zhu, “Broadband infrared luminescence from Li2O-Al2O3-ZnO-SiO2 glasses doped with Bi2O3 ”, Opt. Express, 13(2005)6892.
48. M. Peng , C. Wang, D. Chen, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Investigations on bismuth and aluminum co-doped germanium oxide glasses for ultra-broadband optical amplification”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 351(2005)2388.
49. M. Peng, J. Qiu, D. Chen, C. Zhu, “Superbroadband 1310 nm emission from bismuth and tantalum codoped germanium oxide glasses”, Opt. Lett., 30(2005)2433.
50. T. Jia , H. Chen, M. Huang , R. Li, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Formation of nanogratings on the surface of a ZnSe crystal irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses”, Phys. Rev. B72 (2005)125429.
51. L. Yang , Y. Dong, D. Chen , X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Upconversion luminescence from E-2 state of Cr3+ in Al2O3 crystal by infrared femtosecond laser irradiation”, Opt. Express, 13(2005)7893.
52. Y. Dai , B. Yu, B. Lu, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Thermal stress-induced birefringence in borate glass irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 22 (2005)2626.
53. L. Yang , D. Chen, N. Da , X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “A novel hollow-core holey fibre with random hole distributions in the cladding”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 22 (2005)2592.
54. Q. Zhao, J. Qiu, C. Zhao et al., “Investigation of optical properties of Ce3+-doped Gd2SiO5 crystal irradiated by a femtosecond laser”, Opt. Commun. 255 (2005)97.
55. S. Qu, Y. Zhang , H. Li, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Nanosecond nonlinear absorption in Au and Ag nanoparticles precipitated glasses induced by a femtosecond laser”, Opt. Mater., 28 (2006)259.
56. B. Lu, B. Yu, B. Chen, J. Qiu, C. Zhu, “Study of crystal formation in titanate glass irradiated by 800 nm femtosecond laser pulse”, J. Cryst. Growth., 285(2005)76.
57. L. Yang, C. Wang, Y. Dong, D. Chen, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Three-photon-excited upconversion luminescence of YVO4 single crystal by infrared femtosecond laser irradiation”, Opt. Express, 13(2005)10157.
58. L. Yang , Y. Dong, D. Chen, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Three-photon-excited upconversion luminescence of Ce3+: YAP crystal by femtosecond laser irradiation”, Opt. Express, 14(2006)243.
59. L. Tong , L. Hu, J. Zhang , J. Qiu, “Photonic nanowires directly drawn from bulk glasses”, Opt. Express, 14(2006)2287.
60. S. Xu, T. Jia, H. Sun, C. Li, J. Qiu, Z. Xu, “Mechanisms of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown and damage in MgO”, Opt. Commun., 259(2006)274.
61. X. Lu , Q. Zhou, J. Qiu, J. Xu, “Design guidelines and characteristics of beam-shaping microstructure optical fibers”, Opt. Commun., 259(2006)636.
62. Y. Dong, J. Xu., G. Zhou, L. Yang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Blue upconversion luminescence generation in Ce3+: Gd2SiO5 crystals by infrared femtosecond laser irradiation”, Opt. Express, 14 (2006)1899.
63. X. Hu, Q. Zhao, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Space-selective co-precipitation of silver and gold nanoparticles in femtosecond laser pulses irradiated Ag+, Au3+ co-doped silicate glass”, Solid State Commun., 138(2006)43.
64. T. Jia, H.. Chen, M. Huang, X. Wu, F. Zhao, M. Baba, M. Suzuki, H. Kuroda, J. Qiu, Z. Xu, “ZnSe nanowires grown on the crystal surface by femtosecond laser ablation in air”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89(2006) 101116 .
65. L. Yang , Y. Dong, D. Chen, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, J. Qiu, “Three-photon-excited upconversion luminescence of Ce3+: YAP crystal by femtosecond laser irradiation”, Opt. Express, 14(2006)243.